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Improve Your Sleep Improve Your Life

Experience  deep, nurturing, natural sleep with Rx Counting Sheep yoga nidra relaxation

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A Yoga Nidra Path to Better Sleep and Beyond

Rx Counting Sheep yoga nidra relaxation guides your body and mind to relax and prepare to enter a deep, nurturing and restful sleep. The meditation teaches you to systematically disconnect from outside stimulation and focus on the body and breath – without trying to do anything else. Your physical body is your gateway to the present moment – a magical formula for getting the most not only out of sleep but also your waking life, as well.

I’m on day 3! Really enjoying the background music. So far, I relax so much that I end up falling asleep with 10 minutes or more left.”


Why Rx Counting Sheep Yoga Nidra?

Rx Counting Sheep is especially suitable as a sleep meditation. It requires only that you remain physically still and is traditionally done in a supine position (which can be modified, if necessary, for your body needs); it is perfect as a practice you can do in your bed. 

This meditation reflects my 28 years of daily yoga practice and study. Yoga nidra became part of my practice more than 10 years ago and I continue to gain new insights into its awesome power. I trust this meditation can help others attain the benefits I have experienced. 

Sleep deprivation is a public health epidemic linked to hypertension, diabetes, depression, obesity, and cancer 
(Source: Centers for Disease Control).

“Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety.”

– NIH’s National Lung, Health and Blood Foundation

How Does Rx Counting Sheep Relaxation Work?

Rx Counting Sheep meditation gently draws your mind away from the activities of the day. To begin, I guide you to pay attention to your body and its position, to make yourself comfortable. This prepares you for the next stage of disengaging your senses from outside stimulation— something your body does naturally as
it prepares for sleep.

Yoga nidra relaxation is unique in that you do not try to relax; relaxation comes from paying attention to your body and your breath. To realize the potential of this meditation I invite you to create an intention, the relaxation and sleep that follow will hopefully help nurture it.

Some have likened yoga nidra practice to an extended, highly creative, hypnagogic state in which the body rests in the border zone between wakefulness and sleep. I find this analogy meaningful. I experience deep relaxation, often punctuated by insights, that draws me into a non-interrupted, restful sleep.

Once an Insomniac—I Know the Power of Yoga Nidra

Rx Counting Sheep yoga nidra meditation guides your mind and body to relax and prepare for a deep, nurturing and restful sleep. This relaxation teaches you to systematically disconnect your senses from outside stimulation and focus on the body and breath—without trying to do anything else. Your physical body is your gateway to the present moment—a magical formula for getting the most not only out of sleep, but your waking life, as well.

Improve Your Sleep, Improve Your Life

Improve Your Sleep

More and more is being discovered about the crucial importance of getting enough sleep for the health of your body, mind, and spirit. This meditation reflects my 28 years of daily yoga practice and study. Yoga nidra became part of my practice more than 10 years ago and I continue to gain new insights into its awesome power. I trust this meditation can help others attain the kind of benefits I have experienced.


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